domingo, 22 de mayo de 2022

What is the best indicator for a trader?

   Price Action MT4 

Este indicador Price Action MT4 personalizado es una herramienta muy poderosa y es muy simple de usar. Está codificado a un nivel profesional y diseñado desde cero para ser una de las herramientas comerciales más útiles para operadores principiantes y avanzados de Forex y opciones. Además de las alertas visibles en los gráficos, el indicador Price Action también está configurado para enviar señales comerciales a su correo electrónico y dispositivo móvil.

opere la acción del precio en los niveles de soporte y resistencia.

Señales de inversión del patrón Doji

La acción del precio es la información más valiosa que un comerciante puede utilizar en el análisis técnico. La mayoría de los operadores profesionales se centran casi por completo en la acción del precio y los niveles de soporte y resistencia. Muchos comerciantes buscan patrones de velas específicos porque hay algunos patrones poderosos que indican claramente una próxima tendencia alcista o bajista.

Por sí solos, estos patrones de velas pueden no ser muy significativos, pero cuando aparecen en los niveles diarios de soporte y resistencia del precio o en las líneas de tendencia, estos patrones de velas pueden significar bastante. Los patrones de velas más significativos son las velas Doji y Pin bar.

Cuando aparecen en las líneas de soporte/resistencia o en las líneas de tendencia, generalmente significan un cambio de tendencia. Puede ser temporal y de corta duración y el precio puede regresar y probar los mismos niveles nuevamente. Eventualmente, el precio puede romper la línea y continuar su tendencia principal hacia los siguientes niveles de S/R. Vea la imagen para ver un ejemplo en el que primero vemos un cambio de tendencia, pero el precio vuelve a bajar hacia la línea de soporte y la rompe para continuar con su tendencia bajista. Aquí el indicador recogió ambos patrones correctamente.

sección detectar doji y pinbars

Detecta reversiones de barra Doji y Pin en la acción del precio.

indicador de barra pin

Nuestro indicador Doji Reversal detectará automáticamente las velas Doji, así como las velas Pin bar dentro de la acción del precio. Muchos comerciantes profesionales y exitosos utilizan patrones de precios que incluyen la barra Doji y Pin en sus transacciones diarias. Hemos estudiado las estrategias de muchos comerciantes técnicos de renombre y muchos de ellos utilizan las mismas técnicas.

Casi todos los comerciantes con los que nos hemos encontrado confían en los niveles de soporte y resistencia y en los patrones de precios que incluyen una barra Doji y/o Pin. Su estrategia generalmente se basa en patrones de acción de precios confirmados en niveles clave de soporte y resistencia diarios. Este tipo de negociación funciona mejor en gráficos diarios.

Cuando aparece una vela Doji o Pin bar en una línea de tendencia horizontal o diagonal dentro de su Meta Trader, el indicador de reversión Doji comenzará a analizar las próximas velas y emitirá una señal basada en un patrón de vela confirmado que seguirá.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2022

What is an NFT and how does it work?

Without a doubt, the advances in technology take us one step further, in this case we are talking about NFT graphs or rather non-fungible tokens.

NFTs can be defined as a non-fungible digital work of art, that is, it is unique in its class and unrepeatable, NFTs have the same technology used in cryptocurrencies, that is, they have a blockchain where said digital works of art are stored with a unique code where only the person who has possession of it can access.

currently the world regarding art is taking another course experiencing technological changes as the implementation of the NTF is doing, easily adapting to young investors who have invested much of their fortune in this new art, in addition to involving new ways of generating income through the purchase or sale of these NFTs.

The revolutionary way in which we advance in technology is a sign that we are just at the beginning of what will be And it promises to be a totally digital era, which began with the implementation of cryptocurrencies that has completely revolutionized the economic way of manage finances.

jueves, 12 de mayo de 2022

Why have cryptocurrency prices fallen?

In recent days the cryptocurrency market has had several reasons to react the way it is doing.

The price of cryptocurrencies has had a fairly strong fall, starting with the main cryptocurrency btc, which has fallen more than 50% approximately after its historical maximum at $69,000 and until today reaching a minimum of $24,000, this It has not only been seen with this coin but also with the other coins on the market.

It is clear that the cryptocurrency has been affected by the macroeconomic news that embarks on the United States and its struggle to control inflation, In addition to this, the enormous fall that one of the main cryptocurrencies has had on the list, such as Luna and its stablecoin.

In this case, uncertainty takes over investors and panic begins to spread among people who consider that their investment is in danger since cryptocurrencies represent high-risk investments.

All these reasons have been found together at this time, which represents a direct impact on cryptocurrencies and justifies the drastic or dramatic fall they have had in recent days.

however, at this precise moment is when people must have a cold mind to make the best decisions and it is even considered that this collapse or fall represents mostly a great opportunity to invest in projects that are considered profitable and represent great potential in the future.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2022

Tokenomics What are they and why are they important?

Within the cryptocurrency or digital money industry, the term tokenomics is of the utmost importance.

the term tokenomics refers to the study of the economy made to cryptocurrencies, in the world of cryptography This term is reborn from the Union of the word touch and the word economy Therefore its definition, This term is of Great importance When referring or learn about a certain type of cryptocurrency and the project behind it.

Among the factors covered by the term tokenomics, it can be said that there is the fundamental and specific study of supply or demand in different cryptocurrencies, as well as its quality, its distribution and even its production, how popular it is and what benefits it can bring. the project currently and in the future, all this data is put on the table for the fundamental study of any digital currency.

Why is it important to know about Tokenomics?

  • It is of great relevance to know both the supply and the demand in the investments that we will make.

  • Doing a Tokenomics analysis or study we can understand

  • The performance that said digital currency can achieve and the opportunities that it represents in the short or long term.

  • Also a study of the economy of digital currencies can determine to make a projection of your future, such as how much that asset would be valued.

  • Know in depth the internal activities and projects that any digital currency would contribute, knowing in turn its current available capacity.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2022

What is a token?

a touch is totally linked with cryptocurrencies to say that these are essential when we talk about digital currencies, they comprise or cover a series of activities that they can carry out, so it can be said that they are extremely similar to traditional currencies or those that We normally use legal tender.

Toquens can represent the possession of great opportunities since these are a result in the creation of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, today the term toquen is a relatively new word since toquens came in conjunction with the revolutionary creation of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology the value of the tokens is determined by the project behind it and the opportunities or benefits they can offer such is the case of Bitcoin and its incredible acceptance today of this cryptocurrency and of the possibilities that it still promises because it is just a beginning, we are just in the first steps of this new technology that is just starting to work.

Even the opportunities that the tokens represent have not been fully seen, that is to say that there are many more functions that still need to be created or developed Through the hand touches of cryptocurrencies, without a doubt the tokens are and will be a great revolution in the digital world.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2022

what is blockchain


As its name indicates, blockchain refers to a chain of blocks within which relatively safe activities can be carried out, such as transactions with different digital currencies, it is considered safe because it is not connected to any type of institution, as is the case with banks where you need a physical institution and a controlled environment through credit cards, ATMs or other tertiary connections, in this case blockchains are decentralized and do not require a third person to carry out a transaction, which makes it one of the safest technologies that exists.

within the blockchain technology, all user information is protected and stored as mentioned above without any intervention by third parties,

Blockchain technology has captured the attention of the vast majority of financial economic sectors who today have set their sights on this new technology that promises a great future not only for the exchange of money but also to implement it in other fields and others. purposes such as smart contracts, international payments or initial coin offerings {ICO}, among others.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2022

What are the benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies?

Without a doubt, cryptocurrencies represent a great Revolution, since its inception it has been widely accepted by people and even countries, achieving great popularity in a short time and many would like to know its benefits. Join me to know just some of the many.

1- cryptocurrencies can help counter inflation

what maintains stability in this type of currency is that it has a limited number of available coins, this allows inflation not to be a cause for concern in this type of currency, unlike traditional currency that is printed more and more money to counter inflation This is not the case with cryptocurrencies.

Currently, since the beginning of 2022, there is a worldwide inflation or what in other terms could be said an economic recession, many people have chosen to face this problem that affects us and have decided to convert part of their savings into cryptocurrencies.

2-Say goodbye to traditional banks

cryptocurrencies have or have what is a blockchain technology, this means that people who wish to carry out some type of process such as a transaction, They can be carried out without the need for an intermediary or a regulatory institution, which makes it easier and frees people to carry out this process quickly and without intermediaries.

3-The chance to make big profits at specific times

cryptocurrencies usually have an upward or downward movement depending on the buyers or sellers at the time, these can be greatly exploited by people who know how to correctly manipulate the markets and can predict the upward or downward movement and this can represent great profits for people who have knowledge of the subject.


1- Cryptocurrencies are often volatile

As I mentioned before, cryptocurrencies usually have a certain degree of volatility in which you can make great profits but in turn you can lose large amounts if you do not know how to handle this type of currency correctly.

It would be best to have professional advice to guide you in making these high-risk investments.

2- to understand cryptocurrencies requires a lot of time and effort

it is necessary to apply time and knowledge on the subject of cryptocurrencies, it is necessary to know in depth the risks that each action entails within it since many different activities can be carried out with cryptocurrencies, it is important to know well their qualities, their benefits and their disadvantages.

3-New or knowledgeable beginners are an easy target of risk

A beginner or a new connoisseur of the subject of cryptocurrencies can make certain mistakes since they are not highly trained to start in this world of cryptocurrencies, a lot of knowledge is needed to carry out some of their activities, the new or beginners are the people more vulnerable and therefore they can be Victims of hackers or other types of tricks to be able to take over their digital belongings.

What is the best indicator for a trader?

   Price Action MT4   Este indicador Price Action MT4 personalizado es una herramienta muy poderosa y es muy simple de usar.  Está codificad...